
November 14, 8 PM EST: LIVE interview by Bill Murray 
On “Stop Child Abuse Now” talk show
Learn more: National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse

It’s been a few years since I last spoke with Bill Murray on his show, but now I’ll get to have another great conversation with a peaceful warrior for survivors of sexual abuse.


December 4: Book of the Month
December Newsletter
Learn more: Rachel Grant Coaching

How great to have my book supported by Rachel Grant, an awesome coach for survivors!

December 11: Interview for podcast with Matthew Pappas, CLC, MPNLP;
release date TBD
Learn more: Beyond Your Past—Anxiety and Survivor Coaching

I’m so honored to be interviewed in person by Matt Pappas, whose mission is all about moving forward without the burdens of the past.

December 14: Presentation and book signing, The Shofar Coalition, Park Heights Jewish Community Center, 5700 Park Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21215

I’ll be joined by Elizabeth Murphy, a spokesperson for a group of students who were abused by John Merzbacher in the Community Catholic Middle School in Baltimore, Maryland. She testified in court and brought him to justice; he is still in prison for his many crimes. Also joining us will be Robert Pruitt, who provides leadership training, motivational speaking and spiritual life coaching. He is also on the faculty of Iyanla Vanzant’s Inner Visions Institute.

TBA: Interview with Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, PhD. Broadcast date to be announced.

I’ll be a guest on Dr. Rhoberta Shaler’s radio show on relationships with difficult partners. Dr. Shaler’s mission is to help people stop the seemingly endless cycle of conflicts, miscommunications, crazy-making habits, alienation, and constant drama. That night we’ll be focusing on survivors’ relationships.
Learn more: ForRelationshipHelp.com



January 6: Interview on WOW-Women on Writing Blog The Muffin
Visit The Muffin on Jan. 6, 2019 to read my interview by Crystal J. Casavant-Otto about my experience as a sexual abuse survivor and a runner-up in the Creative Non-Fiction WOW! Essay Contest. I’ll be available to answer your questions, too.
Learn more: 2018 Creative Non-Fiction WOW! Essay Contest


May 6-7: “Survivors Voices: Honoring Our Whole Selves,” a writing workshop for survivors, with Donna Jenson, author of “Healing my Life from Incest to Joy”

Learn more: Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence Conference, “Balancing Healing and Justice“, Rehoboth, Delaware.